Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Online Survey Respond [ReSuLt & DiScUsSiOn]


Figure 1: National Education Policy

The pie chart above shows the knowledge of National Education Policy among society in Malaysia. Based from the graph, almost 70% which is 28 of the respondents said that they know about National Education Policy, while 30% which is 12 of the respondents said that they did not know about National Education Policy. According to the pie chart, it can be concluded that many community in Malaysia know and release about what is National Education Policy in Malaysia. It showed that, they care and want to know about current issue in the country. However, there are some of the society did not know what is National Education Policy. It also showed that they did not care about the country. They also have a little bit of knowledge about this policy.

Figure 2: Science and Mathematics subject in English

The pie chart above in figure 4 shows the percentage of people that agree and disagree teaching science and mathematics subject in English instead of Malay for secondary and primary school. Majority of 72% respondents agree to learn mathematics and science subject in English while 28% of respondents are not. According to Wilson (1968), he state that they believe further that the ultimate objective of educational policy in this country must be to bring together the children of all races under a national education system in which the national language is the main medium of instruction, though we recognize that progress towards this goal cannot be rushed and must be gradual. In my opinion, the main issue is Malay is the national language therefore instruction must be delivered in that language, but the learning of other languages would not be stopped if requested by the parents. All standard one formerly in Malay, Chinese and Tamil schools had begin using English language as their medium of instruction. The Teaching of Mathematics and Science in English (ETeMS) or better known by its Malay acronym, (PPSMI) policy was implemented in phases, beginning with Year One, Form One and Lower Six students in 2003 during the tenure of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. According to the pie chart , we can conclude that many people are agree with the government which is implement teaching Mathematics and Science in English. They think it is helpful for students to further their studies. All the quality books and references also mostly in English. All this makes students easily to go through without problem. Although teaching Mathematics and Science in English but government and the community of Malaysia still accept Bahasa Melayu as Bahasa Kebangsaan. However, trough out this year, the Cabinet has decided that the medium of instruction for Mathematics and Science will revert to Bahasa Malaysia in national schools and mother-tongue languages in national type schools from 2012 onwards. The reversal of the Teaching of Math and Science in English (PPSMI) policy will be done in stages said by the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. He added that there will be greater emphasis on learning the English language. English literature will be re-introduced, as will subjects on grammar and composition. The change will not affect those in Form Six and Matriculation. He state that the two subjects There have been calls from various groups for the policy to revert to before 2003, when the subjects were taught in Bahasa Malaysia in national schools, and either in Chinese or Tamil in national type schools. The issue has seen a rare alliance between Malay and Chinese educationists, who are against the switch, although there are also calls by many parents and entrepreneurs for English to be maintained. Lastly, the decision is final. Hope the decision they make might not bring any regret to our future generations.

Figure 3: The elimination of PMR and UPSR examination

The pie chart above shows the percentage of the respondents’ opinion about the elimination of PMR and UPSR examination. Majority of the respondents said that, there will give disadvantage for student if PMR and UPSR examination will eliminate. Only twelve respondents which are 30% said that there will give advantage for student if PMR and UPSR will eliminate. According to the pie chart there are a lot of disadvantages for student if this examination will eliminate. It can be concluded that the PMR and UPSR examination should not eliminate because it will give bad impact to student. Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had announced that the PMR would be replaced with a school-based assessment. The syllabus of the Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah(UPSR), which will be maintained in its current format, would be revamped to enhance its effectiveness. Some parents had expressed their concerns over the abolition of PMR, saying that a school-based assessment might backfire and create even more issues like plagiarism and favouritism in class.

Figure 4: Students integrity based on National Education Policy

The pie chart above shows the student’s integrity that can be form based on National Education Policy. 60% of the respondents disagree that National Education Policy can build an integrity for student while 40% agree that integrity can be achieve by National Education Policy. According to the pie chart, Integrity is adherence to moral and ethical principles, soundness of moral character and honesty. The problem of National integrity is nation building involves the process of bringing together people of different racial, ethnic and religious groups. Most leaders believe that the most effective and important way to build united people in the nation is through school which is from education. Thus, school now become one of the instruments used to achieve national unity and integrity. Political elites in Malaysia felt that schooling in national medium (malay) will create a nationally integrated citizens and produces new Malaysian man and woman. To overcome National integration problem so, the new Education Policy is introduced which launched in 1970 and the Instruction was given only in national language. Schools formerly in the Chinese, Tamil and English language were converted to national language. Therefore we can conclude that education is one of the instruments that can be used towards One Malaysia which can build integrity and integration among people. Besides language and common syllabus being used in schools, co-curricular activities can help to motivate and discipline the students to have a good behavior.

Figure 5: National Education Policy need to be change and re-examined

The pie chart above indicates the National Education Policy need to be changed and re-examined or not. About 87% which is 35 respondents that chosen National Education Policy needs to be changed and re-examined. It takes the higher percentage of this survey. However, about 13% which are only 5 respondents that chosen National Education Policy no needs to be changed and re-examined. According to the chart, the respondent want National Education Policy need to be changed and re-examined because it must follow the changing of the situation in education. So, this policy needs to be change suitable with the situation. However, there still have respondents that did not want this policy change and re-examined. This is because they felt this policy is suitable for all time and situation and it no need to re-examine. It can be concluded that probably the respondents need the changing in National Education Policy. So, the government should make changing in this policy and it should be renew or up dated with the situation.


In conclusion, education reformation between countries may be different due to the characteristics of the nation, political and socio-economic establishment within one state. Hence, any kind of proposals on reforming education system in Malaysia has to be justifiable within the scope of the main vision of the country, in another word is the national policy. One way to collaborate is to proceed along the line with the vision of the country that has already been accepted by the whole nation and through structurally effective government machinery that has main players to formulate and implement the policy effectively and efficiently. Careful planning is necessary to ensure the implementation of the curriculum. Thus, the school plays an important role in creating a conducive environment encouraging excellence. In this respect, headmasters and teachers need to understand and internalize the National Education Philosophy, the aims and objectives of the National Education Policy and the integrated approach of the curriculum. Apart from the school and parents, society also plays an important role. The success of the curriculum depends on society’s support in assisting the school to develop pupils’ personalities and to participate actively in matters relating to education. Through social cohesion, the people will learn, understand, accommodate and assimilate each other and hence subsequently recognize the needs to be One Malaysia nation. For the Integration Plan for Unity, Schools are encouraged to collaborate in organizing Integrated Plan Activities between schools of different categories.


[1] Pillay, H. (1995). Fragments of a Vision: A Case Study of English Language Curriculum Implementation in five. Secondary schools in Malaysia. University of East Anglia. Unpublished PhD thesis.

[2] Ainan Abdul Samad. (2003). English as a tool for science and technology acquisition: Bilingual assessment instruments as a transitional measure. Paper presented at the International Association of Educational Assessment (IAEA) Conference Manchester, United Kingdom, 5–10 October.

[3] Cohen, D. K. and Ball, D. L. (1990). Relations between policy and practice: A commentary. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 12, 330–338.

[4] Tan, M. and Ong, S. L. (2007). Educational change in exam-oriented contexts: The implementation of English as the language of instruction for Mathematics and Science in Malaysian secondary schools. Paper presented in Redesigning Pedagogy: Culture, knowledge and understanding, Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice, Singapore. 28–30 May.

[5] The Star (2006). Poor English impedes lessons. 10 December.

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