Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One Malaysia

We ArE ONE Malaysia!!

SONG: Satu Malaysia

1 Malaysia
Rakyat didahulukan
Pencapaian diutamakan
Oh indahnya pabila kita bersama
Kau, aku, kita semua tiada bezanya
No matter whatever the challenge may be
We’ll face it together the stronger we’ll be
Undra ge senthu endrum vaal vom
santhosam nirentharom
1 bangsa, 1 suara, 1 nada, 1 irama
Bersama kita capai semua
1 Malaysia
1 bangsa (we’re united in music)
1 irama (and united we stand)
I feel the hearts of my people when we struggle everyday
to be the best that we can
We share the food that we eat
We share the words that we speak
I say “What’s up?”
You say “Apa cerita?”
You hungry bro? Jom makan la
We go up, never go down
We go up together
Wo mên shê yi ge Malaisiya
Wo mên yong you zai tong yi ge jia
Together we are strong (tuan jie yi qi bu fen pi chi)
Together we are strong (xiang qin xiang ai wan zhong yi sin)
United we stand forever and ever
That’s the way it’s gonna be

The song title is “Satu Malaysia” composed by AMP Radio Networks All stars. I choose this song because it can inspire us as it had inspired me to be 1 Malaysia. The lyric was interesting and meaningful to me. Since Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak became the sixth Prime Minister, he introduced a concept of solidarity, which is One Malaysia. The Prime Minister also states that the 1 Malaysia concepts is the guideline on how to achieve bangsa Malaysia, which translates into English as a “Malaysian race”. People First. Performance Now." That's the theme of the one Malaysia concept that was given by our 6th Prime Minister of Malaysia.

For the first reason I choose this song..I would like to share about the song lyrics which is

One nation, one voice, one tone, one rhythm. Together we have achieved everything to be 1 Malaysia.

Nowadays, certain of Malaysian citizens sort their selves according by their races. Thus, it will create a gap between races. Furthermore, some of our people are only socialize with their own race and they were unlikely to be friendly to the other races. These factors are also adapted into our local economy sectors. For an example, The Chinese employer will only hire Chinese employees to work in their company. As a result, Chinese are now dominating the commercial fields in Malaysia. Plus, it also caused other race such as Malay and Indian to have less opportunity to work in this field. Besides, it also causes our country become not completely united. That’s why in this song state that we all together must unite to achieve everything to be one Malaysia.

For the second reason, the songs state..

We share the food that we eat
We share the words that we speak

When speaking of unity, in Malaysian context, the first thing that comes to mind is all races living together share the foods and their talks and live in harmony. Unity comes in many other forms such as unity in education, cultural, socio-economy, political, regional and so on. They are no difference between the rich and the poor, the government and the opposition, the educated and those who are not, the white collars and the blue collars, the young and the old, and so on. We must share everything because as we need to accept and live in peace with each other, showing concern and respect and interest in all people. We must develop a spirit of love, kindness and generosity among our people.

For the third reason.. the songs state

We go up, never go down
We go up together

As a Malaysian, to go up together we must know and understand about the Rukun Negara that consist of 5 principles. It was officially introduced on 1970 in the hope that it would strengthen national unity in Malaysia's multicultural society. The declaration of the 5 principles are

Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan

Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara

Keluhuran Perlembagaan

Kedaulatan Undang-undang

Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan

The Rukun Negara bears a strong link to the 1Malaysia and it was created to form a national ideology to unite the multi-racial nation.

In conclusion, today I ask you to join me in this task of renewing Malaysia and rise to the challenge of building a One Malaysia. Being different in culture and religious beliefs have contributed to making us very unique and interesting. Though Islam is the official religion, but there is freedom of religion in Malaysia.

Together we are strong

United we stand forever and ever

That’s the way it’s gonna be

We should be proud to be Malaysian!!!!

*Sorry.. the songs cannot be upload yet because of the internet connection problem..

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