Friday, August 27, 2010

26th August 2010

Short quiz

Today’s class we have to answer the short quiz in 20 minutes regarding this question:

What is the significance of the following constitutional provisions to ethnic relations.Choose one and explain.

v Official religion

v Special privileges to the natives

v The head of the country

After finishing this quiz,we have to do the cross word puzzle based on our topic in comic,drama presentation and forum. We have to work in group to finish the cross word puzzle.

Discuss how to do the cross word puzzle's question

~current ladies' group~

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

forum day (episode 2)

Before we start our forum Mr Ahmad ask our class......

What is Articel 152 and Articel 153?

In Constitution of Malaysia

Article 152
states that the national language is the Malay language.
However, the Constitution guarantees the freedom of learning and using of other languages, except on official purposes. Official purposes here means any purpose of the Government, whether Federal or State, and includes any purpose of a public authority. To this effect, all court proceedings and parliamentary documents and meetings are conducted in Malay.

Article 153 states that Yang di-Pertuan Agong or King of Malaysia responsibility for safeguarding the special position of the Malay and other indigenous peoples of Malaysia, collectively referred to as Bumiputra and the legitimate interests of all the other communities. The article specifies how the King may protect the interest of these groups by establishing quotas for entry into the civil service, public sholarships and public education.

Today is second episode for forum. There are other 6 groups representative in front in the class.
Our group representative is Enti Nashila.

From: kamigadishijau

Question: How goverment solve a different economy level of Malay, India and Chinese?
Answer: ~Goverment give chance to all races to start bussines from 'Industri Kecil dan Sederhana'(IKS) programme. ~accomplish New Economic Policy (NEP) for reduce the poverty and divide outcome economy from country to all races.

From: enjit5semut

Question: Which politic organization been introduce in the Malaysia to unite the Malay, Chinese and India?
Answer: In Malaysia political we have UMNO(Malay), MCA(Chinese),MIC(India). To unite this 3 different races, goverment formed Barisan Nasional(BN) where in this political organization have 3 main political races such as UMNO,MCA,MIC in Malaysia for unite all races in one politic.

Question: What of the policy to unity Malaysian people?
Answer: New Economic Policy (NEP) or Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) was introduced in 1971 to removal porverty from all races in Malaysia. Objective in this policy to all races cooperate each other for economy stability in our country.

our group representative


Q&A session


Thursday, August 19, 2010

FoRuM dAy... (episode 1)

Forum day…(episode 1)

19 August 2010

Today is very wonderful day… =)..
This is because for the first time our class will have a forum related on ethnic relations. The topics that were discussed in this forum are:

1) Malacca Period
• Politics
• Economy
• Social

2) Colonial Period
• Politics
• Economy
• Social

3) ~Japanese Occupation
~Communists Intermission
~Malayan Union

4) ~Fighting For Independence
~The Formation of Malaysia

5) ~The Separation Of Singapore
~1969 Riot

6) Unity Efforts
• Politics
• Economy
• Social & Cultural

This forum was divided into 2 sessions. Today is the first session and the second session is the next class. Each session has 6 panels from 6 groups. This means each group has one representative.

The groups for the first session are “ethronianz”, “sengal sengal sendi sendi”, “wonderful sharing”, “sweet frienz in da house”, “ethnics unity” and “kami gadis hijau”. The representative from each groups are Fatin Izzwani from ethronianz group was shared about Malacca Period, Bukhari from sengal sengal sendi sendi group was talked about Colonial Period, Wong from wonderful sharing group was talked about Japanese Occupation, Communists
Intermission and Malayan Union, Norazura from Sweet frienz in da house group was shared about Fighting for Independence, Confrontation and The Formation Of Malaysia, Zulrasyied from ethnics unity group was talked about The Seperation of Singapore, 1969 Riot and MAGERAN. The last panel is Myrza Fasha from kami gadis hijau group was shared about Unity Effort. The moderator for this forum is Mohd Nor Khaideer.

After this forum was finished, Mr. Ahmad asks for feedback from this forum. Yashota said that she enjoys with this forum and Syawal said that he understands what was discussed in that forum, so, this forum is OK.

For me, this forum is very important for us as a student. This is because with forum we will get more knowledge and information from the panel. As a panel we also can share our opinion about the topic that was discussed. We also learn something new in our life and get new experience. We also can develop our critical thinking when spontaneously we were asked the questions by the audience. Besides that, we also can increase our speaking skill. Forum can give more advantage for the society and community.

That all forum for today. We will see a hot forum for the next class. Don’t forget.
See you!!!! =)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

FoRum PrEpArAtiOn

17 August 2010

~FoRum PrEpArAtiOn~

Before we start the class, Mr Ahmad asked question for those who absence for the last week class. He asked “What is the different between secondary school and university?”

Those that give their opinion:-

Diyana said…. “In secondary school, the teacher will guide the student which is give all the example and the exercise to the student but in the university.. we have to be independent”.

Adeebah said... "We have to depend on ourself in University... In secondary school, the class is the same but in University.. the class change based on the subject".

Syawal said..."The timetable is different which is secondary school timetable is very pack but University is otherwise."

Heng Poh Xuan said.."The most clear differences is the uniform that we wear for secondary school and university."

Razif said..."Secondary school timetable is colorful based on subject but for university all the subject is in white color."

Heng Poh Chai said..."In secondary school.. we just need to struggle to get a good grade for the last final exam only but in University.. we must struggle from the start to the end which is quiz, assignment, test, lab until the final exam to make sure we get an excellent result."

In my opinion.. some of the difference can be:-

  • Classes are usually bigger and there are a lot more students on campus
  • Students need to be more self-directed and are expected to be more independent.
  • Instruction is mainly lecture method with students taking notes
  • Student progress and attendance is not closely monitored by the instructors.
  • Time management and planning are critical to success
  • Group projects are often required so you will have to work well with other students.
  • Students are responsible from making their own study schedules and following the schedules conscientiously.
~As a University student.. we have to do the workload given in consistently. Always keep maintaining good grades to get an excellent result and have a better future.

After the discussing session, Mr Ahmad asked to discuss the forum question based from the 7 title given in Ethnic Relation context. The Ethnic Relations forum topic queries topic that had been given is:-

  1. Malacca period (Politics, Economy, Social)
  2. Colonial Period (Politics, Economy, Social)
  3. Japanese Occupation, Communist Intermission & Malayan Union
  4. Fighting for Independence, Confrontation, The formation of Malaysia
  5. The Seperation of Singapore, 1969 Riot, MAGERAN
  6. Unity Effort (Politics, Economy, Social & cultural)
  7. ER from the aspect of: Religion, Education, Constitution & Instability
In the end of the class, we manage to finish the question form. For the next week class, we have to be prepare for the forum based on the topic given.

~That's all for today class.. It's all about team work. Our group manage to give well cooperation which everyone share their opinion and idea. No one from my group was absence to the ER class every week.=)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

DrAmA PrEsEntATioN AgAin

12th August 2010

~ DrAmA PrEsEntATioN AgAin..~

Today, our group present our drama which are about "Social & Cultural Efforts", "Political Efforts" and "Economic Efforts".. First of all, we enjoyed present our drama even our drama were not too good.. But for us, it's not bad when the audience laugh watching our drama.. it's meant that they enjoyed with our drama..

Today is also funny for our group members because all of us say "efforts" incorrectly even Mr. Ahmad was mentioned how to say "efforts" correctly..

There are scenes in our drama :

(a) First Scene (Economic Efforts)

Talking about NEP (New Economic Policy)

(b) Second Scene (Political Efforts)

Sing Negaraku's song means Malaysia was formed..

UMNO, MIC and MCA want independence

UMNO, MIC and MCA be together

(c) Third Scene (Social & Cultural Efforts)

Indian was bullied by Malay and Chinese

Indian was hit by Malay and Chinese

That's all about our drama that we want to share..

~Thanks to Mr. Ahmad and the audience~

Saturday, August 14, 2010

....Drama presentation....

10th August 2010....

The drama presentations were continued by another group.They were very excited to act and their real action especially from group Affendi and Khaideer had attracted the audiences.Although their group do not complete because their group members were absent ,yet they had done very well.Today‘s drama give a lot of good effect for us. From the drama,we learn about the history of Malaysia.The first presentation was about 13 May Tragedy,the contents were about the quarrel between the different races .From that,we can conclude that as Malaysian people we have to cooperate so that outsider cannot attact our country and we can live peacefully.Then, the other drama was about unity that can be divided from three methods such as economic effort and political effort.Besides that,the drama of history of Malacca was also presented.The history of Malacca was about Sultan came to Malacca ,he was invited nicely from the local people but suddenly they were quarrel each other and Sultan was to be a winner .He successfully got the Malacca.The last presentation was from ethronicianz group,they volunteer to present their drama.The title of their drama was Malacca period.During the Malacca period,the people in Malacca had done the butter system in their business.They were also applied the changing culture and they active in the political.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Drama.. Drama.. Drama..

5th August 2010

Drama... Drama... Drama...

Today class, we start with drama presentation based from the comic that every group had created. Before that, Mr. Ahmad had asked us about the objective that we get by doing all the activities which is make a dialogue, draw and create a comic with the given title that related with Ethnic Relation. From the discussion, what we can learn is:

1)Build a confidence in our self.

2)Get the moral value from the story.

3)Learn from the history.

4)To show everyone acting talent.

5)Cooperate well in groups to complete the assignment given.

6)Get more knowledge about the topic that everyone present.

7)Make everyone to be more creative.

Due to insufficient time, only two groups performed for today. 10 minutes was given to each group to present their story. Then we have to ask a question to the group about their story. For overall, we enjoy watching the show.. =)

We have done the comic based on the title given:

UNITY-Political Effort

UNITY-Social & Cultural Effort

UNITY-Economic Effort


sweet morning...=)

3th AUGUST 2010

Sweet morning on Tuesday…

On that day, we didn’t do a lot of activity. This is because Sir Ahmad wants us to discuss with our group members about drama that we should to present on Thursday. Drama that we should present is based on comic that we created. In these comics we should draw and create dialogue based on the topic that was given by Sir Ahmad. Our group was creating 3 comic dialogues which are about unity: social and cultural effort, economic effort and political effort. In this class, we was divided the characters to each of the group members. We also need to submit 4 comic dialogues that we do last week. We should create a dialogue comic based on our creativity about ethnic relations. In these comics, already have pictures and we just only create the dialogue based on that pictures.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

29th July 2010

Last Thursday, we didn't have any activities to do in ethnic relation's class. We just had ASK n ANSWER session. I felt very nervous at that time because we need to answer the questions in English. I'm very weak in speaking. However, I'm understand why Mr. Ahmad ask us to answer in English because of our future. He wants us to practice speaking so that we'll not nervous when attending any interview to get a job. I appreciate what he had done to us but I'm still nervous during his class.

Before end the class, Mr. Ahmad gave us a interesting activity to do at hostel. We need to create 3 dialogs about economy effort, social and cultural effort and political effort. It's quite hard for us to create this 3 dialogs with suitable pictures but we'll do our best to make interesting stories. That's all from me about the last week class.