Drama... Drama... Drama...
Today class, we start with drama presentation based from the comic that every group had created. Before that, Mr. Ahmad had asked us about the objective that we get by doing all the activities which is make a dialogue, draw and create a comic with the given title that related with Ethnic Relation. From the discussion, what we can learn is:
1)Build a confidence in our self.
2)Get the moral value from the story.
3)Learn from the history.
4)To show everyone acting talent.
5)Cooperate well in groups to complete the assignment given.
6)Get more knowledge about the topic that everyone present.
7)Make everyone to be more creative.
Due to insufficient time, only two groups performed for today. 10 minutes was given to each group to present their story. Then we have to ask a question to the group about their story. For overall, we enjoy watching the show.. =)
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